Dude Quote
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44 Lyddicleave, Bickington, Barnstaple EX31 2JZ • Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware)
Dude Music

I was looking to purchase this bungalow, 44 Lyddicleave on a cul-de-sac in Bickington, but expensive due diligence via an asbestos survey and RICS Class 3 building survey (structural) led to discovery of deal breaker issues.


Google Map: https://g.co/kgs/tT99F4n

The asbestos survey led to quotes with the best being around £18,000* to remove and replace the carcinogenic materials, however the later structural survey by surveyor and engineer revealed roof issues and subsidence issues estimated to cost £45,000 to fix.

* Note that as a result of enquiries I also discovered the narrow road creates an issue with skips being left and so this is a consideration for building works.

I had no interest in purchasing this property after the building survey unfortunately.

If you are interested in this property SAM conveyancing have the searches they can sell on to you, and I have the asbestos and RICS Class 3 survey likewise.


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